
Here are the latest news items of interest to the legal aid community and it's clients. Click the article headline for the full story.

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September 17, 2010
The Census Bureau released its official 2009 statistics on poverty on September 16, and the numbers are grim and daunting. Nearly 57 million Americans now qualify for civil legal assistance from the Legal Services Corporation, an increase of 3 million from 2008, and the highest number of people
September 14, 2010
PA Student Achievement Rises for 8th Consecutive Year Eighty-two percent of Pennsylvania schools met the required academic goals for the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law for 2010, Governor Edward G. Rendell announced on September 14, with record numbers of students performing at grade level
September 14, 2010
The Judicial Conference of the United States has approved a pilot project to evaluate the effect of cameras in federal district courtrooms and the public release of digital video recordings of some civil proceedings. The pilot, which will be national in scope, will last up to three years. It will
September 14, 2010
The Legal Services National Legal Assistance Project will be holding a webinar entitled, Litigation Technology Series: E-Discovery and Collaborative Review of Evidence , on Friday September 24, 2010 at 2:00 om Eastern. This webinar is free, and is part of a series concentrating on free or low-cost
September 10, 2010
The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has ruled that HUD’s 2006 foreclosure and disposition of Third East Hills, a project-based Section 8 residential property in Pittsburgh, without a Section 8 contract, violated the Schumer Amendment. Starting in 2005, the Schumer Amendment has
September 9, 2010
In observance of the recent Labor Day holiday, this week’s DPW Budget message focuses on DPW programs that promote work: Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities (MAWD) and the Way to Work program, in conjunction with Child Care Works .
September 9, 2010
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has issued a sweeping decision striking down as unconstitutional the city of Hazleton's law that would punish landlords and employers who are accused of renting to or hiring anyone the city classifies as an "illegal alien." Hazleton adopted its first
September 9, 2010
The Internal Revenue Service today released a draft version of the form that small businesses and tax-exempt organizations will use to calculate the small business health care tax credit when they file income tax returns next year. The IRS also announced how eligible tax-exempt organizations - which

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