Sponsorship Opportunities

MLK Program Banner

Sponsor a Fellowship or Internship:

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Program places attorneys and law students in legal aid offices throughout Pennsylvania in some of the most underserved areas of the state. There are two components to the program.

The Summer Internship Program provides summer internships to law students at Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network programs across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Fellowship Program places law school graduates, and attorneys who are new to practice, as full-time staff attorneys in a local or specialty legal aid office for a two-year fellowship. These fellowships are supported by PLAN and our contributing sponsors, in partnership with the regional or specialty program hosting the fellow.

These programs have expanded and flourished thanks to the generous contributions of our program sponsors.

Please click the link below to visit our secure payment page and become a sponsor of a fellowship ($5,000) or an internship ($1,000), or to offer a donation in any amount to support the MLK Program.

Sponsor a Fellowship or Summer Internship

Donate to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Program

Sponsor an Event:

Each and every day, we work to raise funds to provide equal access to justice and to support the work of civil legal aid programs that comprise the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network. PLAN, Inc. has a solid reputation for being a good steward of your charitable gifts as well as producing our annual statewide showcase event, the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network Excellence Awards and offering high-quality training events.

PLAN Excellence Awards

This annual awards event held every spring honors supporters of legal aid in Pennsylvania who work tirelessly as advocates for low-income people and victims of domestic violence.

Please consider supporting civil legal aid and the extraordinary accomplishments of the Excellence Awardees by advertising in our official program or becoming an event sponsor.

The awards banquet is an excellent opportunity to pay tribute to the award winners, advertise your business and/or gain recognition of your business’ commitment to equal justice under the law. We invite you to sponsor the event and/or advertise in the distinctive program. Please follow the link for more information.

Excellence Award Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

Choose PLAN as the Beneficiary of Your Special Event

Are you having a special event to raise funds to support a charitable mission? Help your neighbors in need secure access to justice by considering the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network as the beneficiary of proceeds from your special event. For more information, please contact Jim DeAngelo at info@palegalaid.net or (800) 322-7572 .

Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Inc. is a registered charitable organization and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization. Accordingly, your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The official registration and financial information of the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania to 1-800-732-0999.


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