Corbett Administration Recognizes Older Americans Month

May is Older Americans Month, a time to honor the more than 2.6 million Pennsylvania residents who are over the age of 60.

“Older Pennsylvanians are such an important part of our communities,” said Governor Tom Corbett, who issued a proclamation recognizing the special month. “They carry the wisdom of experience, the lessons of hard work and they deserve our respect.”

Established in 1963, Older Americans Month is a time to acknowledge the contributions and vital lives of older citizens. Among states, Pennsylvania has the fourth-highest percentage of people over age 60. There are also nearly 310,000 people 85 and older in the state, representing the fastest-growing percentage
segment of the population.

“The Department of Aging is dedicated to providing services, programs and inspiration for older Pennsylvanians,” said Secretary of Aging Brian Duke. “Home-and community-based services, senior centers, home-delivered and congregate meals, APPRISE counseling and many more of our programs help to provide healthy and dignified lives for so many of our older citizens.”

Pennsylvania’s programs for older adults provide services for more than 400,000 citizens with over 600 senior centers, 270 adult day centers and 620 domiciliary care homes. The Lottery-funded PACE and PACENET pharmaceutical benefit programs provide low-cost prescription medications for more than 350,000 eligible residents and more than 500 APPRISE volunteers provide insurance counseling services for thousands of older state residents.

For information about the Department of Aging and services for older Pennsylvanians, visit or call 717-783-1549.

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