
Here are the latest news items of interest to the legal aid community and it's clients. Click the article headline for the full story.

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December 8, 2009
State Labor Commissioners Join in Calling on Congress to Swiftly Renew Unemployment & COBRA Benefits The National Employment Law Project (NELP), the Center for American Progress Action Fund and the Half in Ten Campaign released a report detailing the severe economic and human costs by state if key
December 4, 2009
The Fall 2009 issue of Dialogue , the magazine of the American Bar Association Division for Legal Services, which presents news and topical information about the delivery of legal services to low and moderate income people, is now available on the ABA website . This issue features From the Chair
December 4, 2009
The National Law Journal reports that the University of California, Berkeley School of Law and Georgetown University Law Center have announced improved loan forgiveness programs that will cover all law school loan debt for many of their graduates who go on to work in public interest law for at least
December 2, 2009
With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the National Center for State Courts, the Center-hosted Self-Represented Litigation Network , in cooperation with the Legal Services Corporation , is presenting a two-day conference entitled A Training on Public Libraries and Access to Justice
December 2, 2009
The Pennsylvania Utility Law Project’s 2009-2010 LIHEAP Advocates Manual is now available. There have been significant changes in LIHEAP this year. The updated manual should be of assistance to all advocates in representing clients. The manual may be found on-line from the Regional Housing Legal
November 24, 2009
According to the Legal Services Corporation, a federal appeals court has upheld 1996 restrictions on the activities of programs funded by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), including activities paid for by non-LSC funds. In the majority opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
November 24, 2009
The Pennsylvania Health Law Project will be presenting a program entitled, Medicare 2010: More Changes Ahead on December 3, 2009, from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon in Bellefonte, PA.
November 24, 2009
Farmworker Justice has just published the Fall 2009 issue of its semi-annual newsletter, Farmworker Justice News . Read about: Farmworker Justice's new project helping rural Latino communities mobilize to prevent HIV/AIDS; advocacy and litigation to reform the H-2A agricultural guestworker program

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