
Here are the latest news items of interest to the legal aid community and it's clients. Click the article headline for the full story.

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April 7, 2010
The American Bar Association (ABA), in collaboration with the National LGBT Bar Association, has released a new Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Toolkit for Attorneys. This legal resource was produced as part of the ABA’s Legal Assistance and Education for LGBT Victims of Domestic
April 6, 2010
There is still time to nominate deserving champions of justice for the 23rd Annual Pro Bono Awards , the 6th Annual Judges Award and the Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award presented by of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Legal Services to the Public Committee. The deadline for nominations is
April 6, 2010
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has approved regulations governing the appointment and use of court interpreters to assist persons with limited English skills or who are deaf or hearing-impaired during court proceedings. The regulations are designed to complement the Interpreter Certification
April 2, 2010
Despite a delay in Congress, Pennsylvanians receiving emergency unemployment compensation benefits should continue to file their bi-weekly claims, Labor & Industry Secretary Sandi Vito said on April 1. Although the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation, or EUC, program begins to phase out
April 2, 2010
Attorney General Tom Corbett urged Pennsylvania residents to be watchful for telephone calls, text messages or emails - supposedly from banks or credit card companies - asking consumers to provide their debit card or credit card account information. "These bogus 'security alerts' typically warn that
April 2, 2010
Governor Edward G. Rendell has nominated the Hon. Robert A. Freedberg of Easton to fill a vacancy on the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. If confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate, Judge Freedberg would serve the remainder of former Superior Court Judge Joan Orie Melvin’s unexpired term, which ends in
April 1, 2010
Communities nationwide are urging their residents to take 10 minutes on Thursday, April 1 — Census Day — to fill out and mail back their 2010 Census forms if they haven’t already done so. As the official reference date for the once-a-decade civic ceremony, Census Day will serve as the point-in-time
March 31, 2010
The Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) will be holding its 13th Annual Day on the Hill on May 3, 2010 in Harrisburg. The right to legal representation and access to the courts for all Pennsylvanians are being threatened by proposed sales taxes on legal services and by inadequate funding that

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