Applicants Sought for Young Lawyer Advisory Board of Pittsburgh Legal Diversity & Inclusion Coalition


PLDIC LogoThe Pittsburgh Legal Diversity & Inclusion Coalition (PLDIC) seeks emerging attorney leaders to apply for its inaugural Young Professionals Advisory Board (YPAB). Applications will open on April 19, 2023.

Qualified applicants should be attorneys who have been practicing 10 years or less, are employees of a PLDIC member organization, and have a demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. YPAB Members will be informed of their selection by the end of May 2023 and the first YPAB Meeting will take place in July 2023.

YPAB Members will serve a three-year term and will hold board meetings on an at least quarterly basis. Additionally, at the YPAB’s first meeting, the members will select a Board Chair and Secretary. Should you wish to be considered for a leadership position, please indicate your interest on the application.

The main responsibilities of the YPAB will include:

  • Providing advice and suggestions to PLDIC committees and working groups on issues of particular interest to new attorneys to help inform programming and resources.
  • The selection of and completion of a project that aims to solve a diversity, equity, and inclusion challenge PLDIC members have.

Applicants will need to provide a statement of interest as well as a letter of recommendation. Additionally, the applicant’s PLDIC member employer will need to affirm their support of your candidacy. Please contact Ena Lebel, PLDIC Executive Director, with any questions.


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