Applications Now Being Accepted for LSC Loan Repayment Program

Legal Services CorporationApplications are now being accepted for the Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program which is administered by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). 

The Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) was established in 2005 and is funded by a Congressional appropriation. Under the program, LSC makes a limited number of forgivable loans to attorneys employed by its grantee programs to help repay law school debt.

The goals of the LRAP are to help LSC grantee programs recruit and retain highly qualified attorneys, and to promote the development of initiatives that make public interest law a viable career path for law school graduates.

Attorneys who are selected to participate in LSC’s LRAP receive loans of up to $5,600 per year, for up to three years, if they remain eligible and funding is available.

Participating attorneys must use the LSC LRAP assistance to pay qualifying law school loans and accrued interest, and must meet all terms and conditions of the LSC LRAP. The debt to LSC will be forgiven at the end of each LRAP loan term so long as the participating attorney remains in good standing with an LSC-grantee throughout the term, as certified by the executive director of the attorney’s program. Participating attorneys are expected to remain with an LSC-funded legal services program for three years.

The deadline for application submissions is Monday, March 2, 2015 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time.  

More information, including application procedures is available fromt the Legal Services Corporation at

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