White House Forum on Increasing Access to Justice Held on April 8

Legal Services CoporationOn April 8, 2014 the White House, in conjuction with the Legal Services Corporation, held its third White House Forum on Increasing Access to Justice in Wahsington, D.C.

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, Associate Attorney General Tony West, White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler and other leaders of the legal community gathered at the White House on April 8 for the Forum which featured a panel discussion on Public-Private Partnerships. One highlight of the forum was a speech by LSC Program Counsel for Technology Glenn Rawdon entitled, Everyone, Anytime, Anywhere, discussing the convergence of various constituencies and the use of technology to incress access to justice.

Featured below is a video of the entire forum and a video of Glenn Rawdon's speach on Everyone, Anytime, Anywhere, the convergence and use of technology to increase access to justice. More information on the Forum is available from the Legal Service Corporation website.

White House Forum on  Increasing Access to Justice
- Full Program:

LSC 2014 White House Forum on Increasing Access to Justice (full program) from Legal Services Corporation on Vimeo.

White House Forum on  Increasing Access to Justice
- Everyone, Anytime, Anywhere:

Glenn Rawdon's Speech at the White House Forum on Increasing Access to Justice from Legal Services Corporation on Vimeo.


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