
Here are the latest news items of interest to the legal aid community and it's clients. Click the article headline for the full story.

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January 6, 2020
The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has released its report on the potential impact on the state’s Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) being administered by regional brokers for all regions of the commonwealth. MATP provides non-emergency medical transportation for Medicaid
December 20, 2019
President is expected to sign the legislation by midnight Friday. The United States Senate has passed, by a vote of 81-11, appropriations legislation that includes $440 million for the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). This represents an increase of $25 million over LSC’s appropriation of $415
December 19, 2019
The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has published the November-December 2019 edition of the Health Law PA Newsletter. You can subscribe to receive the PHLP eNews, which links to the Health Law PA News on the PHLP website at This issue includes the following articles: Community
December 16, 2019
Governor Tom Wolf joined legislative leaders and justices today to formalize a joint agreement with Pew Charitable Trusts on the creation of a Juvenile Justice Task Force to assess how the state handles juvenile justice, and to develop a report detailing what should be done to strengthen the system
December 16, 2019
Governor Tom Wolf and Insurance Commissioner Jessica Altman are informing Pennsylvanians of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment extension due to consumer complaints of website glitches and significant delays yesterday, the original
December 13, 2019
The Internal Revenue Service said today that the Taxpayer First Act, enacted July 1, requires tax exempt organizations to electronically file information returns and related forms. The new law affects tax exempt organizations in tax years beginning after July 1, 2019. The following IRS forms are
December 10, 2019
Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Teresa Miller joined anti-hunger advocates to discuss the Wolf Administration’s opposition to the Trump Administration’s numerous attacks on the Supplemental Nutrition Access Program (SNAP), the most important anti-hunger program in the country, and the
December 4, 2019
The Trump Administration issued a final rule that would weaken the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — the nation’s first defense against hunger — and take food off the tables of nearly 700,000 people.

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