Sam Milkes Presented with the Inaugaral Samuel W. Milkes Award from the PA Bar Association

Sam MilkesSam Milkes, the former Executive Director of Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Inc., was presented with the inaugaral Samuel W. Milkes Award from the PA Bar Association at a virtual Celebrate Pro Bono service hosted by the Cumberland County Bar Association, his own county bar association, on October 19, 2021.

The Samuel W. Milkes Award will be an occasional award of the PBA Legal Services to the Public Committee that is to be given to such individuals and groups as the Committee, from time to time, determines have provided unique service that has resulted in significant improvement in the access to justice of the neediest among us.

Sam Milkes is a longtime legal aid advocate and public service attorney who recently retired after serving 19 years as the Executive Director of PLAN.  The award was presented to Milkes, the man for whom the award is named, by PA Bar Association President Kathleen Wilkinson and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis.

Upon receiving the award, Milkes commented:

"It is such an honor to receive the inaugural award named after me. And to top it off, to have it presented at my home bar association. I thank you both for your words of encouragement."

2021 Cumberland County Bar Association Pro Bono Reception

The virtual celebration also features the recognition of Cumberland County Bar President George Byron Faller with a local award for his pro bono service in a festive program hosted by Cumberland County Pro Bono Committee Chair Kate Lawrence.

Kate Lawrence was also honored with a surprise PBA Award presented by PBA President Kathleen Wilkinson.


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