2025 PLAN DAP-SSI/SSDI Training

The 2025 PLAN DAP-SI/SSDI Training will be held on May 8-9, 2025 at the Hilton Harrisburg in Harrisburg, PA. Please join us for an overview of SSA practice, updates on benefit overpayments and SSR 24-3p, and the on-going changes in Agency policies and procedures. 

The first day will focus on newer practitioners, though more experienced practitioners are invited to join the training to share their knowledge and meet colleagues from around Pennsylvania. Registrants are invited to a group dinner Thursday night (self pay). The second day will be appropriate for practitioners of all experience levels.


All PLAN training registrations are on a first-come, first serve basis and space is limited. Once all spaces are filled and registration is closed we are unable to make any exceptions for additional registrations or attendance. 

Preliminary registration will be limited to PLAN Network Staff Members ONLY until Monday, April 7 at noon. After that date and time, we will accept all registrations from within and outside of the PLAN Network.

Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on May 9.

For Non-PLAN Network Registrants: Registration fee checks must be mailed to PLAN at: PLAN, Attention Kelly Bock Yeckley, 118 Locust Street, Harrisburg, PA  17101 or remitted at the registration desk the afternoon of May 8. Payment must be received before admittance to the training.

Hotel Accommodations:

There will be a limited number of overnight rooms available on the night of May 8.  If you need an overnight room they are available at the special rate of $189 plus tax and $20.00 for parking per night.  Attendees are responsible for making their own reservations and can do so at: 

DEADLINE FOR OVERNIGHT ROOMS: Thursday, April 17th at 11:59pm or until block is sold out. 

Attendees are responsible for remitting payment of their bill upon check out of the hotel. Rooms are limited so please register as soon as possible.

CLE Credit

This program has been approved by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board for 8.0 total hours of CLE Credit. The majority of the credit will be substantive law, practice and procedure CLE credit. The amount of Ethics credit available during the program is still being determined. 


Event Details

Thursday, May 8, 2025 to Friday, May 9, 2025

Hilton Harrisburg
One North Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101

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