2024 Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network Statewide Training Conference

The Conference has reached Maximum Capacity and we can no longer accept any new registrations.
The 2024 Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network Conference will take place on September 19 and 20, 2024 at the Hilton Harrisburg.
This year's conference will feature many helpful workshops for legal services staff, board members and other friends of the legal services community.
The Registration Deadline for the conference is September 11, 2024.
NOTE: The wearing of face covering/masks is optional and up to each individual person’s preference in the conference space.
Conference Agenda and Information
CLE Credit
CLE credits are available for attorneys who attend qualifying sessions. 9.5 total credits will be available for attorneys attending the full conference.
Total CLE Credits for each attendee and the specific breakdown between hours of substantive law, practice and procedure CLE credit and hours of ethics, professionalism or substance abuse CLE credit will depend on the workshops attended.
Pre-Conference Trial Advocacy Skills Training
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
PLAN, Inc. will be offering a Trial Advocacy Skills Training for PLAN Network Staff on September 18, 2024. This session is limited to 24 participants. The full agenda is still being developed. Registration for this session is open. Information and registration for this program is available at https://palegalaid.net/events/2024-plan-trial-skills-training-new-attorneys.
Conference Registration
- Registration is free for staff and board members of Pennsylvania’s network of legal aid programs.
- Registration cost is $250.00 for staff of Non-PLAN public interest, government or other nonprofit organizations.
- Registration cost is $475.00 for all other registrants.
Hotel Accommodations
NOTICE: The conference room block has sold out of rooms.
Anyone that contacts the Hilton and reserves a room at a non-conference rate will be responsible for paying that full rate.
If you have registered to attend the conference and still need overnight accommodations, we suggest you try calling the Crowne Plaza Harrisburg. Their contact information can be found at their website: Crowne Plaza Hotel Harrisburg. PLAN has not reserved a block at the Crowne Plaza so you will need to call them to see if they have rooms available and check on their rates.
A Limited Block of rooms are available at the Hilton Harrisburg for the conference at a special discounted rate of $159.00 per night. Attendees requiring hotel accommodations need to reserve a room either online or by telephone:
- ONLINE: To book your reservation online please click this link:
Booking Link: 2024 PLAN Training Conference - TELEPHONE: To book a reservation by telephone please call 717-233-6000, hit Option 1 and use Group Code LEGAL.
Reservations need to be booked in this manner to obtain the conference rate if you are a staff member or board member of one of our legal aid programs and you need hotel reservations.
You will be responsible for paying for your charges before you leave the Hilton. Room, tax and self-parking will be included on your bill (parking will only be included if you are staying over).
Day attendees will be responsible for paying for your parking before you leave. Don’t forget to get your parking validated before leaving for a discounted rate.
Another option for overnight accommodations is the nearby Crowne Plaza Harrisburg. Their contact information can be found at their website: Crowne Plaza Hotel Harrisburg-Hershey. PLAN has not reserved a block at the Crowne Plaza so you will need to check to see if they have rooms available and on their rates.
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Event Details
Hilton Harrisburg
One North Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101