HotDocs Exceeds $1 Million in Software Donations to Non-Profit Legal Services Organizations

August 31, 2010 Deadline for Legal Aid programs to apply for free copies of HotDocs Developer 10 and HotDocs User 10.

From PR Web Release

HotDocs Corporation today announced that it has donated over one million USD in software since the inception of its Charitable Organization Program in June 2010. The new program provides free NFR licenses of HotDocs Developer 10 and HotDocs User 10 to legal services organizations providing legal assistance to low-income Americans.

The program began in 2008 as the HotDocs Software Donation Program under LexisNexis, the previous owner of the HotDocs business. After the acquisition of HotDocs in late 2009 by Capsoft UK, the largest distributor of HotDocs outside of the U.S., the old LexisNexis donation program was dissolved. In early June 2010, HotDocs Corporation introduced the new HotDocs Charitable Organization Program. Those eligible for the program include organizations funded by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) or IOLTA (Interest on Legal Trust Account), as well as other equivalent charitable organizations.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to our community and are privileged to work with such dedicated organizations,” said Russell Shepherd, CEO of HotDocs Corporation. “We believe this new program will assist non-profit organizations as they provide legal aid to those in need.”

“HotDocs software, which dramatically reduces the time it takes to prepare custom legal documents, enables our non-profit legal aid organizations to provide quality legal documentation to applicants on a much broader scale,” commented Glenn Rawdon, who heads the Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) program at LSC. “We’re delighted that HotDocs Corporation is continuing to support the important service our grantees and others like them provide.”

Recipients of the previous LexisNexis program as well as other eligible organizations developing document automation templates in conjunction with Pro Bono Net's LawHelp Interactive program will be eligible for free copies of HotDocs Developer 10 and HotDocs User 10 along with 30 days of free Installation Support until August 31, 2010.

Following the August 31 deadline, any new organization that meets eligibility for the Charitable Organization Program will be able to buy licenses at a 70% discount and receive 30 days of free Installation Support.

For more information, visit


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