Pension Rights Project Available to Assist Pennsylvania Residents

The Pension Rights Project is now available to assist Pennsylvanians with pension questions and issues. The Pension Rights Project partners with Pennsylvania's SeniorLaw Center helpline to provide free pension information and counseling services to all Pennsylvania residents without any age or income restrictions.

Pensions often are critical in helping older Americans maintain financial security and independence.  Because many retired individuals experience problems in accessing the pension benefits they are entitled to, the U. S. Administration on Aging funds several regional Pension Counseling Projects, including the Pension Rights Project which helps Pennsylvania workers, retirees and their families with pension problems.

Any Pennsylvania resident can contact the Pension Rights Project at 1-866-735-7737, Monday Through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for assistance with a pension problem, at no charge. 

In addition, people who are not Pennsylvania residents but who are seeking retirement benefits from a Pennsylvania-based company or employment can contact the Pension Rights Project for help.

The Pension Rights Project handles a variety of issues related to pension benefits, including eligibility and vesting, military pensions, union pensions, 401(k) plans, and survivor, divorce and common-law marriage pension benefits.  The Project will pursue pension questions and problems through the administrative process.  In cases where litigation is required, the Pension Rights Project may be able to assist people in finding a pension attorney to bring their case to court.

Common problems include "lost" pensions owed to individuals who worked for a company prior to a merger or before it went out of business, and issues involving surviving and divorced spouses who may not know what pension benefits they are entitled to or how to get them.

Help for these and other pesion problems is available either directly from the Pension Rights Project or through the The Pennsylvania SeniorLAW Helpline.

The Pension Rights Project is a regional partnership featuring the SeniorLaw Center in Pennsylvania and similar partners in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee.

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