PBI Webinar: PA Courthouse Doors Have Been Opened Wider To Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals
The Pennsylvania Bar Institute will be presenting an online webinar entitled, PA Courthouse Doors Have Been Opened Wider To Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals, on July 13, 2010 at 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Eastern. This is a rescheduled date from the original date of June 10, 2010. The Audio and Slides for this Webinar can be accessed through your computer.
This webinar will feature Arthur N. Read, Esq. of Friends of Farmworkers, Inc., and Osvaldo Aviles, Court Interpreter Certification Program Director for the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts discussing rules that were promulgated effective May 2010 implementing the 2006 PA Interpreter Certification Law, Act 172 of 2006.
The new rules require that counties will be responsible for paying the costs for court interpreters who must be certified by AOPC and provided to LEP litigants not only in criminal, but also in civil cases.
The rules establish procedures for appointment of interpreters in all Courts of the Commonwealth (including Magisterial District Justice Courts) and establish ethics and disciplinary standards for interpreters.
This 90 minute webinar will address issues including:
- Procedures for obtaining an interpreter
- Disciplinary and ethics requirements for interpreters
- Interaction of the rules with Act 172 of 2006 and requirements of Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Applicability of PA Interpreter Certification law to administrative proceedings and role of Labor and Industry in regulating requirements for all administrative hearings.
Do not miss this opportunity to learn how it is now possible for LEP litigants to present small claims court matters pro se and how it is affordable to represent LEP individuals in PA Courts
CLE Credits:
1.5 Total CLE credits (No Ethics)
This webcast qualifies as "Distance Learning" Continuing Legal Education. PA lawyers can use distance learning credits for up to 4 of the required 12 annual CLE credits. Distance learning credits can NOT be carried forward into your next compliance period.
Registration Information:
PBI has agreed that legal services attorneys can use their PBI discount for FREE CLE credits for this webinar.
PBI waives the tuition fee for the first 12 hours of CLE taken in each calendar year, for attorneys employed full-time by many nonprofit legal services and public interest organizations providing legal services to individuals at no or de minimis fees. Ordinarily, this policy does not apply to distance education courses, but PBI has agreed to apply the policy to this course.
PLAN Staff Registration:
PLAN attendees who are eligible for the legal aid discount should email callincle@pbi.org to register, providing the following information:
- Provide name, address, phone number and attorney id number;
- The subject line should read the name of the seminar, PA Courthouse Doors Have Been Opened Wider To Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals;
- Indicate the name of your legal aid program and identify it as a program in the PLAN network;
- Certify that you are actively engaged in providing legal aid;
- Certify that you have not used your 12 credits yet this year;
Registration by Non-PLAN Staff:
Pricing for this webinar for individuals who are not staff members of a Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network program is:
- Members--PA Bar Association or any county bar assn. : $99.00
- Nonmember : $119.00
- Non-lawyers : $79.00
Registration should be done online at the link below.