Annual Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Webinar - Oct 29

LIHEAP logoPlease join the Pennsylvania Utility Law Project (PULP), Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (CLS), and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (PA DHS) for their Annual Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Webinar on Tuesday, October 29th from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Eastern.

LIHEAP provides cash grants to help low income Pennsylvania families pay their heating bills. We will give participants a high-level overview of LIHEAP, describe changes to the program, answer frequently asked questions, and provide advocacy tips to assist households in accessing this critical funding. Whether you are new or seeking to deepen your knowledge, this session is designed for you to better support your clients and community in navigating LIHEAP and low income energy assistance programs.  


  • Lauren Berman, Staff Attorney, Pennsylvania Utility Law Project
  • Lydia Gottesfeld, Managing Attorney, Health & Independence Unit, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
  • Brian Whorl, Director – Division of Federal Programs, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Please register in advance for the webinar. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. You will need to register prior to the webinar in order to attend. 

A recording of the presentation, as well as the slides and other materials, will be sent out and uploaded to PULP’s website following the webinar. Even if you are unable to attend, be sure to register to receive the materials in your email inbox following the presentation.

Feel free to share the attached flyer with your colleagues and neighbors who may be interested in attending as well.

Please contact Madi Keaton of the Pennsylvania Utility Law Project at if you have any questions about the registration.


     Registration button

File attachments
Attachment Size
LIHEAP-24-25-Flyer.pdf 151.83 KB

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