Shapiro Administration Launches Long-Term Media, Outreach Strategy To Help Pennsylvanians Stay Covered Amid Major Federal Changes To Medicaid Renewals

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) and Pennie® today announced a collaborative multichannel, long-term outreach strategy to raise awareness of the critical need for Pennsylvanians to complete their Medicaid and CHIP renewals on time when it is their turn to maintain health care coverage.

In April 2023, a federal COVID-19 era policy that allowed states to maintain coverage for Pennsylvanians regardless of their eligibility came to an end, meaning all Pennsylvanians must complete a renewal over the next year to be assessed for Medicaid eligibility by DHS and maintain or connect to new coverage.

“Access to health care is essential to our daily wellbeing and our individual dignity as people. As Pennsylvania works through the renewal process over the next year, we want to keep as many people as possible connected to coverage, no matter where it comes from,” said DHS Acting Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh. “By keeping people covered, we give them the care they need and deserve to live, work, learn, and thrive and maintain stability in our health care system. This campaign is an investment in individual, family, and community health, and the Shapiro Administration and our partners are committed to prioritizing consistent outreach and education so Pennsylvanians are ready to renew and know what they can do to stay covered.”

The statewide campaign leverages digital and traditional advertising to remind Pennsylvanians covered by Medicaid and CHIP of the need to complete an annual renewal to stay covered and the potential costs of going without health insurance as well as promoting Pennie as the official place to buy quality, affordable health insurance. Pennsylvania’s campaign ads are jointly branded from both DHS and Pennie.

"With financial savings available only through Pennie, the marketplace is the best option for Pennsylvanians looking for quality and affordable health insurance if they’re no longer eligible for Medicaid coverage. Together with DHS, we’re working to spread the word about how important it is for the health of our communities that these individuals stay covered,” noted Pennie’s Executive Director Devon Trolley. “Nine out of 10 Pennie customers qualify for financial savings, and many of those no longer eligible for Medicaid can find plans for under $10 a month.”

Pennsylvania’s media campaign officially launched in April and will run through May 2024; the advertising effort complements a similar one from the federal government that began earlier this year. Advertisements span English and Spanish-language television and radio, video and music streaming platforms, social media channels, public transit systems, and billboard placements around the Commonwealth.

Example Graphics:

Example 1 - Losing Medicaid Coverage

Example 2 - Losing Medicaid Coverage

Visit DHS' YouTube Channel to watch Medicaid and CHIP Renewal Ads​



Medicaid covers more than 3.6 million people in all counties and communities across Pennsylvania, and DHS and Pennie’s campaigns seek to reach people in different ways to boost awareness of the need to renew and ready to act when it is their turn. Ad placements will shift throughout the year and reach Pennsylvanians through different channels in different communities and continue to raise awareness around the need to complete health care renewals on time, even if a person thinks they no longer qualify for Medicaid.

Beyond advertising, DHS and Pennie are also working on a grassroots outreach strategy that will engage local community partners and leaders to build awareness networks in neighborhoods and communities across Pennsylvania. This effort will share resources on unwinding throughout different networks, at community centers and hubs, and have an in-person presence at events throughout the next year to engage people at the micro, hyper-local level.

DHS also published the first iteration of the Medicaid Unwinding Data Tracker, which will monitor Pennsylvania’s progress with renewals and eligibility over the next year. Data included reflects, at this time, our baseline data. Result from the first month of renewals will be published before the end of May and monthly moving forward.

To learn more about Medicaid and CHIP renewals, view copies of ads, and access educational resources, visit

For more information on health insurance options available to Pennsylvanians, visit

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