Free Webinar: Record Clearing for Immigrant Clients: Risks & Opportunities

National Records Clearing Project logoCommunity Legal Services of Philadelphia through the National Record Clearing Project is presenting a free webinar entitled Record Clearing for Immigrant Clients: Risks & Opportunities on October 17, 2022 from 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Eastern.

Record clearing for people who are not citizens can have immigration-related implications for removal, applications for citizenship, and more. With the rise of Clean Slate and other automatic record clearing laws, these implications have become more complex.

Advocates must be prepared to properly screen for these issues, counsel clients in consultation with immigration lawyers, and take proactive steps to protect their clients’ interests.

This session will review best practices for representing immigrant clients in the record clearing process and protecting noncitizens when enacting Clean Slate policies.

  • How criminal records interact with the immigration system (grounds for removal, enforcement priorities, etc.)
  • Benefits of record clearing for immigration purposes
  • Risks of record clearing for non-citizens
  • Best practices for representing non-citizens in record-clearing process
  • Best practices when enacting Clean Slate or other automatic record clearing policies
  • Krsna Avila, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
  • Rose Cahn, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
  • Seth Lyons, Community Legal Services


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