Friends of Farmworkers Hosts Instituto de Promotoro - November 3

Friends of Farmworkers

Friends of Farmworkers & La Puerta Abierta invite interested organizations to a free program they are hosting entitled Instituto de Promotora, a project of the Los Angeles Women's Center, on November 3, 2016 from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm at Puentes de Salud, 1700 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. 

Instituto de Promotora Training offers an all-day training on how to establish a Promotora model while advancing knowledge in the field of domestic and family violence. The training provides information on the curriculum Promotoras Contra La Violencia (Promotoras against Violence) and strategies for implementing an empowerment-based model of prevention focused on gender-based violence, designed for Latinas.

The Instituto de Promotora is a free, all-day training that will give your agency the tools to implement this culturally-specific, empowerment-based model to further your own work. 


  1. Participants will be better able to increase their knowledge of the Promotora model as a trauma informed, culturally responsive approach to linking Latina survivors to supportive services.
  2. Organizations will be able to create a strategy to organize and build an infrastructure to support the model and broad-based community outreach.

The promotora model develops community leadership, capacity, and  access to services. The model has been adapted to address public health, violence prevention and other community issues. It builds on cultural strengths and the community network of women empowered to break the silence of gender-based violence.

Please RSVP to Friends of Farmworkers by October 14, 2016 with the number of attendees from your agency. Please include whether you require interpretation or any other accommodations in your RSVP. 




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