Chief Justice of Pennsylvania Urges PA Lawyers to Support Legal Aid and Volunteer To Assist Low-Income Pennsylvanians

Thomas G. Saylor, Chief Justice of PennsylvaniaThomas G. Saylor, the Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, has directed a letter to all Pennsylvania attorneys, thanking them for their financial support of civil legal aid and for their pro bono help in representing low income clients needing legal help in civil cases. 

The Chief Justice pointed out that every Pennsylvania attorney contributes to the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network's provision of civil legal aid when paying their annual registration fee. He also pointed out other ways in which the Supreme Court and Pennsylvania attorneys support access to justice.

The Chief Justices stated that:

"All Pennsylvanians deserve their day in court. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is dedicated to ensuring the civil legal needs of those who cannot afford the services of a lawyer are met. The Court supports civil legal aid in a variety of ways, from funding a loan forgiveness program for legal services practitioners to honoring the work of pro bono volunteers."

He went on to state that:

"The Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, in partnership with regional legal aid providers and a network of specialty legal aid programs, helps provide the framework and structure for legal assistance for the poor."

Chief Justice Saylor concluded by saying:

"Together with Bill Pugh, President of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, I ask each of the nearly 70,000 attorneys registered in the Commonwealth to make a personal commitment to provide whatever pro bono service you can through direct representation of the poor and financial support of our legal aid programs. It is these volunteer efforts, beyond the mandatory payment, that most greatly impact those in need."

The Chief Justice's letter can be viewed at the link below.

Letter of Chief Justice Saylor to Pennsylvania Attorneys


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