Free Video Instruction Available to Pro Bono Attorneys

The Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network have  announced the release of 10 one-hour videos offering practical and reliable training for lawyers taking a pro bono case from your organization.

These programs focus on areas of practice needed by many pro bono counsel, making it quick and easy for them to take on new clients. 

The videos were produced by PBI in partnership with the PBA and PLAN. 

There will be no cost to any pro bono attorney to watch these videos (one per client) and they will receive one CLE credit for each program.  The videos will be distributed by PBI through local legal aid programs and other pro bono providers (including county bars and stand-alone programs).

Each video begins with an introduction by Chief Justice Thomas Saylor.   The Chief Justice notes in his remarks that “… this training program facilitates a valuable service for citizens that only lawyers can provide and that is consistent with our professional obligations.”   He goes on to lay out the intent of the videos, to assist pro bono lawyers “in representing a client in a matter that may be outside your regular areas of practice.”

The videos, along with extensive written materials available online, are available now.  They represent the three foundations of any successful pro bono effort – the hard work and expertise of legal aid professionals, support of the organized Bar, and the volunteer efforts of practicing lawyers!

Agencies with pro bono programs merely need to send volunteers’ names, email addresses and video program title to David Trevaskis at the PBA Pro Bono Office (  David will send out the codes that will allow volunteers to access the training on PBI’s website. Volunteers can take the “Nuts and Bolts” program one time plus one substantive video per client.

The videos will also be available to purchase for those who do not take a pro bono case. 

Description of Ten Free CLE Videos

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