Health Law PA News - October 2015

Pennsylvania Health Law ProjectThe Pennsylvania Health Law Project (PHLP) has published the October 2015 edition of Health Law PA News. Health Law PA News is a newsletter published monthly by the PHLP. For more information on PHLP and for prior issues of Health Law PA News visit the PHLP website at

This edition features the following stories:

  • DHS Moving Ahead with Statewide MLTSS - RFP to Be Released Next Month 
  • Annual Open Enrollment for 2016 Medicare Health and Drug Plans Starts October 15th
  • Medicare Part D Costs Announced for 2016
  • Medicare Extra Help Renewal Process Underway
  • Marketing for Medicare 2016 Plans Started October 1st
  • Mailings That People on Medicare Should Be on the Lookout For!
  • PHLP Offers Medicare 2016 Webinar
  • DHS Announces Value-Based Payment Thresholds
  • Six Pennsylvania Organizations 
  • Receive Navigator Grants 

Health Law PA News - Ocotober 2015

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