Health Law PA News - February 2015

Pennsylvania Health Law Project

The February 2015 edition of the Health Law PA News has been published by the Pennsylvania Health Law Project. 

For prior editions of Health Law PA News or more information about the Pennsylvania Health Law Project, please see their website at

The February edition of the Health Law PA News contains the following articles:

  • Governor Wolf Announces Plan for Traditional Medicaid Expansion
  • Governor Wolf To Give First Budget Address
  • Problem of Behavioral Health Consumers Being Wrongly Enrolled in PCO Has Been Fixed
  • Renewed Interest in Community First Choice Option
  • Governor Wolf Creates Advisory Group on Participant-Directed Home Care
  • DHS Seeking Comments on Statewide Waiver Transition Plan
  • New Special Enrollment Period for Marketplace
  • Federal Marketplace Incorrectly Counting Tax Dependents’ Social Security Income
  • PACE and PACENET: Important Programs to Help Older Adults with Prescription Drug Costs
  • New PHLP Resource: 2015 Income and Resources Limits for Medicaid & Other Health Programs
  • U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Oral Argument on Affordable Act Challenge 

The February 2015 edition of the Health Law PA News may be viewed or downloaded at the link below:

Health Law PA News - February 2015


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