LSC Seeking Applications for Pro Bono Innovations Fund

Legal Services Corporation

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) has released the 2014 Notice of Funds Availability for LSC’s new $2.5 million Pro Bono Innovation Fund, and is currently seeking applications from LSC grantees to support the development of new and more robust pro bono efforts and partnerships that effectively serve more low-income people. 

In March 2011, LSC’s Board of Directors formed a Pro Bono Task Force to identify how to engage pro bono lawyers and other volunteers to leverage LSC’s federal funding and increase the resources available to serve low-income people. The Task Force issued a comprehensive report with recommendations urging the creation of a new Innovation Fund.

On January 17, 2014, the President signed P.L. 113-76, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, which included $2.5 million for LSC to establish a new competitive grant called the Pro Bono Innovation Fund to encourage innovation and replication of effective practices in pro bono legal service delivery.

To guide interested organizations through the Pro Bono Innovation Fund application process, LSC will be conducting free webinars to provide information on the process. Click on one of the following dates to register for the webinar.

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