Webinar: From Wrongs to Rights: The Case for Homeless Bills of Rights Legislation

On April 15, 2014, the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty will release a report entitled From Wrongs to Rights: The Case for Homeless Bills of Rights Legislation. A webinar discussing the report will also be conducted on April 15 from 2:00 pm -3:00 pm Eastern.

The report, co-authored with Professor Sara Rankin of Seattle University School of Law, describes the need for homeless bills of rights legislation, provides insight into the various models of the laws that have emerged, and offers homeless advocates with guidance on how to enact such laws in their own states.

Sign up for the webinar to learn about the powerful legislative tool gaining momentum across the nation - homeless bills of rights - and how these laws can help lay a legal foundation to end homelessness. 

Presenters will include Tristia Bauman, Housing Program Director at the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, Professor Sara Rankin of Seattle University School of Law, and Paul Boden, Executive and Organizing Director at Western Regional Advocacy Project.

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