Web Event: A New Affordable Rental Housing Preservation Initiative!

Join RHLS and partners for A Web Event and Breakout Discussions

The Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania, Regional Housing Legal Services, Neighborhood Allies, and LISC Philadelphia are kicking off a new project to preserve affordable rental housing across Pennsylvania! 

A web event introducing the project will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 from 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern.

This web event was designed for both those new to preservation as well as those not new and eager to share challenges and strategies to do more on this topic. 

Presenters will provide:

  • An overview of the importance of preservation and publicly assisted affordable rental preservation strategies; 
  • A space to hear your input and insights into the challenges and type of assistance that will help you; 
  • And information on current technical assistance opportunities to support preservation.

Who Should Attend:

All are welcome, but non-profit multifamily building owners, property managers, asset managers, and state and municipal representatives are especially encouraged to attend.

More Information

According to the National Housing Preservation Database, over the next five years nearly 12,000 units of private and non-profit-owned publicly assisted affordable rental housing in Pennsylvania will reach the end of a rental assistance or restricted covenant agreement. Property owners will need to renovate properties, replace obsolete systems, and upgrade for energy efficiency. This challenge is even more acute in neighborhoods experiencing the displacement of residents by rising rents, energy burdens, and loss of affordable units. 

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