Social Security Announces AI Enhancements for Hearings Recordings
The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced today they will finish the nationwide rollout of its Hearing Recording and Transcriptions (HeaRT) system this month.
The HeaRT system replaces an antiquated and bulky hardware system in each hearing office with a software only solution that records and produces transcripts for each case at the hearings level to ensure due process.
HeaRT improves business efficiencies by providing more accurate automated transcripts through generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Additionally, by fully utilizing HeaRT, SSA will save about $5 million per year.
“By eliminating outdated systems and replacing them with innovative software that is proven to work, we are improving our services for Americans and saving millions each year,” said Lee Dudek, Acting Commissioner of Social Security. “Good government means finding ways to do better, and implementing the HeaRT system nationwide is a clear demonstration of just that.”
HeaRT provides better customer service by supporting all hearing formats – in person, telephone, and video – without relying on recording hardware. This leads to fewer hearing delays or cancellations due to equipment failure or technical issues, resulting in more timely hearings for the public.
Approximately 500,000 customers will benefit from this new software each year. These improvements enhance efficiency by allowing employees to dedicate more time to hearings and other priority workloads. SSA is expected to complete the nationwide rollout by March 17, 2025.
To learn more about the hearings process, visit SSA's Official Hearings and Appeals Website or to appeal a decision, visit Appeal a decision we made.