Organizations Sought for the 2017 Your Money, Your Goals Cohort

The Consumer Finanacial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has announced an opportunity to participate in the 2017 Your Money, Your Goals Cohort. Approximately 30 organizations from around the country are sought who are interested in using the Your Money, Your Goals toolkit to help build the financial capability of the people they serve. 

CFPB is interested in working with organizations that serve low-income and economically vulnerable populations in the Cohort. These may include public and private social service, faith-based, legal aid, volunteer, and worker-focused organizations. 

The CFPB will train and support members of the 2017 Your Money, Your Goals Cohort in using the Your Money, Your Goals toolkit to help build the financial capability of those they serve. The toolkit is designed for use in a variety of settings, such as social services programs, legal aid organizations, worker organizations, and organizations that rely on volunteers to coach, counsel, or mentor the people they serve.  

When combined with the training, the toolkit includes the resources that staff and volunteers need to help people set goals, choose financial products, and build skills to better manage money, credit, and debt. 

In the past, organizations have used various innovative approaches to implement YMYG training, tailoring it to their structure, mission, modes of service delivery, and clientele. They have also joined together to form collaboratives and partnerships. 

Detailed information about participating in the Cohort, including the selection criteria for participation, is contained in the 2017 Your Money, Your Goals Cohort CFPB Criteria for Interested Organizations.

If you have any questions or think your program would be a good fit, send a Letter of Interest to the CFPB at by November 30, 2016 with the subject line Your Money, Your Goals 2017


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