OlmsteadRights Site Launched by Atlanta Legal Aid Society

The Disability Integration Project at the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. has recently launched a new website www.OlmsteadRights.org that is desigend to inform a wide audience about the rights given to diabled persons under the Olmstead decision of the United States Supreme Court. It also provides resources and information for self-advocates, family and friends of people with disabilities, and legal advocates alike. 

“Olmstead” refers to the 1999 U.S. Supreme Court case Olmstead v. L.C. in which the Court held that people with disabilities have a qualified right to receive state-funded support and services in the community when appropriate, rather than in institutions. Olmstead was a landmark disability rights decision that has impacted the lives of millions of people – both with and without disabilities. The new OlmsteadRights site was launched in conjunction of the 15th anniversary of the Olmstead Supreme Court decision. 

“Olmstead is the most important Supreme Court case for people with disabilities” explained Talley Wells, Director of the Disability Integration Project at the Atlanta Legal Aid Society. “It’s a very transformative decision and not enough people know about it. We wanted everybody to hear the stories of people living in the community and we wanted people to be able to take advantage of Olmstead.”

The website was created in collaboration with the Legal Services Corporation, the National Disability Rights Network, and Pro Bono Net.

The site is broken into three main sections: “I Am Olmstead” for educating the general public, “Self-Help Tools” for those with disabilities, and “Legal Advocacy Tools” for those wishing to use the law to advocate on behalf of their clients. 

The Legal Advocacy Tools Section is a member-only section of the site. Advocates can request membership in the section from that area of the site.

There are a wide variety of areas in which Olmstead will be useful, ranging from special education cases to areas of elder law. Attorneys will be provided the  requisite information on how to apply Olmstead to these situations, transforming attorneys into more powerful advocates for their clients.

One of the most promising features of the site is the Olmstead Legal Outline. The Outline allows lawyers to see which cases are most similar to theirs, read about the developed law around the country, and access sample pleadings. There will also be a series of podcasts on the site to provide further background information. 

These resources will give attorneys a strong base to build their case, allowing for more efficient and successful advocacy. The website is also fully accessible and inviting for people with all different kinds of disabilities. “It’s important for all websites to be accessible,” explained Wells, “but even more important for a website for people with disabilities.”

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