New Report: Nearly a Third of Americans are Caregivers

From: Public News Service

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A new report finds nearly a third of Americans, most of them women, are acting as a caregivers for loved ones, sometimes putting careers on hold or dealing with other hurdles. In Pennsylvania and across the country, 65 million people are caregivers, according to the information from the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP.

AARP spokeswoman Ann Black says the report found caring for an older family member, on average, consumes about 19 hours a week. It's a burden that could be alleviated with proper planning, she says.

"Families who cared for their aging parents or relatives often wish that they had planned ahead, instead of being faced with the situation and choices that they weren't prepared to make."

Black recommends caregivers notify their employers about their situations in order to accomodate adjustments to schedules; also, she recommends seeking assistance from others.

"Get help from those who can give you some relief, in your family or community services. Go online, has tremendous resources that could be helpful to you."

The study found that both the caregivers and the person receiving help are older than their counterparts were just five years ago. The average caregiver is between the ages of 50 and 64, and the care recipient is now over age 75. She recommends using the holidays as a time to bring up the subject of long-term care, and determine what care a parent or family member may want and how that can be addressed.

Tom Joseph, Public News Service - PA

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