New Deal-Type Jobs Program Proposed as Recession Remedy

From: Public News Service

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To address the nation's continuing job shortage, congressional Democrats are talking about a second economic stimulus package. The measure could focus on tax incentives or it could create a New Deal-type federal jobs program - or maybe both. 

Carol Stambaugh with the National Association of Social Workers says putting people to work, even temporarily, has huge symbolic value beyond a paycheck.

"People right now need the tangible, the things that they can see - either in their hand, in their pocket or in their community - and such a program would provide that."

Stambaugh says the New Deal programs also left behind numerous needed improvements to the nation's infrastructure.

"They're still with us today in the form of parks, sidewalks and even in improvements that make Grand Canyon National Park the treasure we have."

Stambaugh says the nation has plenty of crumbling roads and bridges that could be renewed through a jobs program, along with other transportation improvements.

"We're looking at a greener society. We're looking at trying to change the way that we do things and live life. And this is a way to be able to invest in some of those new ideas. For example, railway; for example, improvement in our already-existing mass transit system."

Some economists contend New Deal jobs did little to shorten the Great Depression. Stambaugh says the federal work programs were essential because they gave people hope. She argues that public attitudes and perceptions go a long way in driving what happens in the economy.


Tom Joseph/Diane Ronayne, Public News Service - PA 

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