LIHEAP Updates – Supplemental Program and 2021/2022 Program Preview (Webinar) - Aug. 26
The Pennsylvania Utility Law Project (PULP) will be presenting a mini-webinar, hosted by Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Inc., entitled, LIHEAP Updates – Supplemental Program and 2021/2022 Program Preview, on August 26, 2021 from 2:00 PM-2:30 PM.
Join PULP for this brief, 30-minute webinar to learn about the 2020-2021 Supplemental LIHEAP grants, which will be released in early September, and get a preview of the upcoming 2021-2022 LIHEAP program year.
Following this brief 30-minute webinar, PULP staff will stick around to answer all your utility-related questions!
No CLE credits are being offered for this session.
YOU MUST REGISTER TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE. You will receive a confirmation email after you register. Please keep this email as it will give you the information to join the session.
Register for the Webinar