Call for Session Proposals for LSC’s 2017 Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) Conference

Legal Services CorporationThe Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is requesting session proposals for the 17th Annual Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) Conference in San Antonio, TX, January 11-13, 2017. At the 2016 TIG Conference there were over 40 break-out sessions and 300 attendees.

This year we are accepting proposals for four types of conference sessions:

  •  Workshop Session (75 minutes)
  •  Rapid Fire Talk (6-minute lightning talk at a plenary)
  •  Affinity Group (informal 60-minute discussion group)
  •  Hands-On Lab or Technology Demo (75 minutes)

LSC welcomes a broad range of session proposals – go to the 2017 TIG Conference Session Proposal form for more guidance and to make a submission.

Session Proposals are due by Friday, August 12th.

LSC's Technology Initiative Grant (TIG) Program was established in 2000 with the goal of expanding access to justice through promoting technological innovations in legal services delivery and pro se assistance. Each year the TIG Conference brings together technologists, legal aid advocates, court personnel and academics to exchange ideas and explore innovative ways of using technology to promote full access and high-quality legal representation for low-income people.

For more information, go to the TIG Conference website.

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