Nominations Sought for 2010 Harrison Tweed Award

The National Legal Aid and Defender Association and the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service is currently seeking nominations for the 2010 Harrison Tweed Award.

Named for an outstanding leader in the promotion of free legal services to the poor, the Harrison Tweed Award was created in 1956 to recognize the extraordinary achievements of state and local bar associations that develop or significantly expand projects or programs to increase access to civil legal services to poor persons or criminal defense services to indigents.


Any local or state bar association in the United States that has:

  1. Developed or significantly expanded a project or program for providing access to legal services for the poor or
  2. Demonstrated long term excellence in maintaining projects or programs providing such access

may apply or be nominated, provided that such bar association has not been a recipient of the award for the same or a substantially similar program within the past 10 years. Nominations are particularly encouraged with respect to associations that have developed programs for joint involvement of the private bar with organized legal services or public defender programs.

Pro bono programs, legal services offices, public defender programs, individual lawyers and the public are encouraged to nominate state or local bar associations for the award. Such bar associations may also submit their own applications.

Nominations must be submitted via email. Send the nomination through the online nomination form and send all supporting materials to Tamaara Piquion by the close of business on Thursday, April 1, 2010.

Please visit the link below for complete information on the nomination process.

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